How do I choose the length for my wig?
Wigs are available in different lengths. You can order ours in lengths from 6 inches to 30 inches.
Wig length is the measure of hair strands from the crown to where the hair will land. The measurement conveys where the hair will fall once it is installed.
A 20 inches hair length means the unit will end at 20 inches from the crown of your head. For straight hair, this is easy to understand. The wig length is simply the length of hair strands on the unit that has straight hair.
For curly and wave wigs, the hair needs to be stretched straight to get the exact measurement. This is because the curly texture makes the hair look shorter than its actual length. So a curly texture unit might appear to be 16 inches even when the length of hair strands is between 17 to 18 inches. We suggest to order curly hair at least 2 inches longer than your desired length.
There can also be slight variations in this measurement depending on the hair texture you have, how the unit has been installed and your physical features.
You can refer to this hair length chart to understand where the hair will fall on your body.
Depending upon your height and physical features, there might be slight variations.